Leo Sun


Leo Sun 

Today I am sharing with you images of my latest creation called Leo Sun. This artwork was inspired by my interest in the zodiac signs and astrology. In the zodiac charts I am an August born Leo, and in astrology that would make it my sun sign. If we dive even deeper and veer into the lane of tarot cards Leo coincidentally represents strength and the actual Sun. Which makes sense because we are naturally bright and energetic creatures. So basically,  this painting radiates my energy.

Leo Sun 

Leo Sun 

Even though this painting represents me and my energy, it took a long time to finish. I initially started this painting at the end of February, and got stuck.  You would think it would be a lot easier when the inspiration is yourself,  but I found out the hard way that it was much harder. I think what made it difficult was that the theme of the painting was much bigger than me.  I had to capture the energy of all the Leo's that exist. I struggled with it for months, and finally completed the painting in September. 

Leo Sun 

Above and below are up close detail views of Leo Sun. 

Leo Sun

The easiest part of the painting was deciding on the color palette. I knew I definitely had to use green to represent our birthstone, which is Peridot.  Yellow was an obvious choice to represent the sun and summer vibes. I chose red and bits of orange to highlight our passionate and vibrant aura, and black balances all of the bright colors used.

Leo Sun 

High quality prints of Leo Sun are available for purchase on my art page 

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