Shine Bright With Yellow Sunglasses


Shine Bright With Yellow Sunglasses

I always hate when we get closer to the end of summer. I'm a summer baby so the season is when I thrive. I bask in the bright sunny days, and endure the humidity with a smile. 


Shine Bright With Yellow Sunglasses

As the end of the season looms ahead, I try to extend the feeling of a warm summer day any way that I can. One way to do that is by rocking a cute pair of yellow sunglasses. It is like adding a ray of sunshine to my face. It just beams positivity.

Shine Bright With Yellow Sunglasses

Below are a few yellow sunnies to match your mood. 

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Shine Bright With Yellow Sunglasses

Emilio Pucci 

Shine Bright With Yellow Sunglasses

Miu Miu  

Shine Bright With Yellow Sunglasses


Shine Bright With Yellow Sunglasses


Shine Bright With Yellow Sunglasses


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