Geology Rocks: Smoky Quartz with Amazonite

Geology Rocks: Smoky Quartz with Amazonite 

Amazonite is the green color variety of the mineral

microclin. Microcline is potassium aluminum silicate. 

Smoky quartz is the brown, gray, or nearly 

black color variety of macrocrystalline quartz. 

Depending upon 

color intensity, smoky quartz is transparent to translucent. Its brown, gray, or nearly black colors 

are caused primarily by exposure to natural geophysical radiation, the same phenomenon that 

helps create the green-to-greenish-blue colors of amazonite.

 In composite specimens of amazonite and smoky quartz, hexagonal prisms of gray-brown 

smoky quartz contrast nicely with the rich greens and greenish-blues of the blocky amazonite 

crystals. Such composites make eye-catching display pieces.   



Geology Rocks: Smoky Quartz with Amazonite

Spiritual Meanings: 

  • Crystal clear communication 
  • Throat Chakra activation 
  • Soothe anxiousness and self destructive thoughts 
  • Dissolve nervous system blockages 
  • Establish boundaries 
  • Alleviate muscle spasms 
  • Enhance perception 
  • Promote self respect and acceptance 

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